COLORS: Red, White, & Heather Grey
FLOWER: Orchid
MASCOT: Phoenix
GEM: Diamond
National History
Seven extraordinary women came together to establish Kappa Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. at Binghamton University on March 9, 1995. These seven founders: Elizabeth Choi, Karen Eng, Rei Hirasawa, Hee Cho Moon, Chae Yoo Park, Samantha Somchanhmavong, and Connie Yang united with a single vision of providing women with the chance to use their pride in their heritage to become leaders of society. The sorority was conceived through the notion of an organization that would provide a culturally sound and educationally inspiring grounding for Asian American women. These seven women envisioned themselves laying the cornerstones of what was to become a culturally revolutionary and unprecedented organization. This cultural based sorority was to unite young women of differing heritages and encourage them to make use of their strong voices and thoughts. This sorority is open to women of all nationalities and backgrounds who want to learn about, actively speak for, and represent Pan-Asian culture. Held together by the bond of sisterhood and striving to educate each other and the rest of the community, our founding mothers not only channeled Asian American awareness through voice, but also by action. They taught each other about strength and ambition while discovering their own true unparalleled identities in the process.
These first sisters of Kappa Phi Lambda also extended their hands to the community through charitable works of both service oriented and philanthropic natures. By doing so, they were able to make a real and impacting difference in the world around them. All the while, they were given the opportunity to educate others about the beauty and complexity of Pan-Asian culture. Kappa Phi Lambda formed to provide the campus, and on a large scale, the society, with yet another option for learning, and another outlet for activity.
g Mothers
Kappa Phi Lambda Sorority Inc. was established on March 9, 1995 at Binghamton University. Due to its interesting and influential impact it had on others, Kappa Phi Lambda has spread to many other Universities in these past years. Wendy Chan, an Alpha Delta sister from Binghamptom transferred to the State University at Stony Brook. Undeniably, there is a huge population of Asian Americans at Stony Brook. Kappa Phi Lambda gave Wendy an initiative to unite the community and promote Asian Awareness. With much struggle and time, Wendy was able to accumulate girls that had the same interest and goals. During the Winter ’98 session, bids were given to a pledge class of seven consisting of Melissa Chan, Onah Cho, Donna Tsang, Sheila Hsu, Winnie Ng, Kelly Ngai and Anna Yiu. After weeks of hard work through thick and thin, seven women survived the crucial process with Wendy as the Pledge Educator. On February 28, 1998 the Alpha Chapter initiated the Charter Pledge class. Thus, Melissa Chan, Onah Cho, Donna Tsang, Sheila Hsu, Winnie Ng, Kelly Ngai and Anna Yiu are the Charter Sister of the Kappa Phi Lambda Sorority at the University at Stony Brook. Their motto was seven equal one .
As charters of a new colony, much had to be done. With help from Wendy, those eight sisters built a foundation in Stony Brook promoting cultural awareness to the community and to women amidst the multculturalism. As Charters, they stand strong and solid. As leaders and models to others, they stand humbly to continue the legacy of Kappa Phi Lambda. Providing the community with services, making one voice for the Asian community, holding Philanthropy fundraisers for needy organizations throughout the world. As individuals, we are here to promote cultural diversity and to educate each other, the society and the world about Pan-Asian culture. The Charters have learned much from pledging but the learning has only begun and will be ongoing. Pledging has not only made us more aware of the hardships of being a minority but also gave us the strength to do something about it. We are united today to make a difference in the world we live for tomorrow. It may seem endless but the results will be forever. The dedication that the colony had was overwhelming and everlasting. It teaches us all, that hard work pays off in the end. All good things have to be earned. thus, we all stand tall and honored to be Sisters of Kappa Phi Lambda Sorority, Incorporated.
Melissa Chan, 1998